About Us
Who We Are
What We Are
A Trade Organization Built For You
The North Carolina Association of Mutual Insurance Companies was formed in 1965 as a trade organization to better serve the best interests of the mutual insurance companies (both small and large) operating in North Carolina. A mutual company by definition is an insurance company owned by its policyholders and any profits are retained within the company.
about our association
Value of Membership
NCAMIC is committed to bringing inspired individuals together to encourage collaboration and foster both personal and professional relationships, ensuring its members remain on the cutting edge.
North Carolina
Mutual Insurance Companies
There are currently 13 mutual companies operating throughout North Carolina. The majority of these companies (8) operate on a statewide basis writing both property and casualty business. The remaining five companies currently are chartered by NC to write property business in their domiciled county and 5 additional contiguous counties. Additionally, these companies can write casualty business as an agent of a statewide chartered mutual company creating a dual masthead policy for the insured. Other members of our association include certified public accountants, reinsurance intermediaries, technology consultants, financial consultants, reinsurers and claims handling/adjusting companies.